A Cyber Spy Techno-Thriller
An elite Special Operations Forces (SOF) team waits in hiding, prepared to intercept a terrorist squad en route to Europe from Africa. Intelligence is limited and the SOF warriors may have underestimated the strength of their foes. Team leader and Marine Major David Worthington understands the rules are different now.
An enterprising transnational group, the Stealth Rangers, trained the Americans’ terrorist foes. The Stealth Rangers plan to infiltrate a U.S. company to gain a unique foothold for hacking systems and their premier agent for this assignment is a South American engineer. This spy retrieves top secret military plans in order to prepare his clients for the inevitable rematch battle with Worthington’s team. However, the company’s stubborn president stands against them, and he needs subduing first by way of a romantic encounter.
An unlikely trio of sleuth-scientists suspect the Stealth Ranger engineer is committing serious transgressions. Their initial failures to make any progress on implicating the South American with hard evidence stress an already tenuous working relationship. The opportunistic scientists’ persistent efforts lead to a lucky break which offers hope for a turn of events in justice’s favor.
Many twists and turns await from the battlefield to cyberspace to law enforcement pursuits.
Can world peace and justice prevail?
Suspense, intrigue, pioneering technology, and much more await the reader in John Jameson’s debut novel: Trails - a cyber spy techno-thriller.