First Lesson Learned the Hard Way
#1 Do not include photos, artwork, schematics, diagrams, drawings, sketches, or anything that is not text or tables. Anything color must be converted to black and white and the printers will warn you that grayscales may print with poor contrast. Printing them in the original color means the whole book is considered a color print, even for the sake of just one image. This will triple the cost of the book.
If you insist on using artwork or photos, make sure the material is true public domain. Even material marked as Creative Common or Royalty-free has unfriendly or hard-to-understand terms.
I pulled seven satellite images out of the book that are public domain from the U.S. Government. I substituted new narrative content and character dialogue to make up for those omissions to keep the story flowing. The satellite images will appear on this website in a Bonus section once the book is released; the book will describe how to find the images on this website.
Another complication is copyrighting. How can you claim one for your manuscript if you are using someone else's photos or art? I don't know.